Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Week 4 EOC: Chapter Exercise

In this chapter you discovered that Dolce & Gabbana are known for their unique advertising campaigns. How well can you read (or analyze) one of their ads or any other fashion ad? Find a fashion ad and share with your colleagues all the innuendos you find hidden in the ad. How does this ad reflect culture or history? Does this ad say anything about the particular brand? What is subliminally suggested? Back up your thoughts with reasons from history, culture, or contemporary ideas. 

The ad that I had picked for Dolce & Gabbana was their ad from 2003. There was a controversy at first with Puma because there was a fake ad being spread around of a girl wearing her Puma shoes and was kneeling down in a suggestive manner facing a guy, giving off the impression she was giving him oral pleasure. Another notation that she was giving him oral sex was the fact that there was a white sticky looking substance on her knee. Puma then sued over this ad saying it was completely fake and was not their ad. With Dolce & Gabbana however, being the controversial brand that they are did a similar campaign. They were paying homage the Puma ads by having a gentleman kneel in front of another guy who has his pants around his ankles. With Dolce & Gabbana ads, you never really know what it is they are trying to sell. It could be the shoes, the jeans, the guys’ shirt in the back or even the underwear that you get a little peak of at the top of the ad. Being that they are a very provocative brand with their controversial ads, this advertisement wasn’t as ridiculed as Pumas was, simply because that is who they are. 

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